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Live classes to learn from anywhere
I worked on this project as a Product Designer for 9 months. The Facilisimo.com group had the idea of creating a platform to facilitate that classes that were face-to-face before the lockdown could continue to exist but in an online format, so that so many teachers from different disciplines could continue to connect with their students in real time, see their faces and interact without losing the magic of the live show.
When creating this project from scratch, I dedicated many hours to research, in order to understand the context of uncertainty in which the users, both the instructors and the students, were living. I carried out benchmarking, interviews, surveys, and workshops with stakeholders.
In these workshops we defined the value proposition canvas, we created the user persona of the teacher and the student, through prioritization techniques we define the functionalities of the MVP. Together with the development team, we wrote the user stories of the backlog.
At the same time, I participated in the creation of the subscription plans, a rather complicated issue because it was necessary to try to make the platform profitable and also the the instructors should be well paid and the students should access classes at a price not very high.
I also carried out the entire study of information architecture in the two layers that would form the platform, that of the student and that of the instructor.

Design system
The design system encouraged people who worked on the product to look beyond the building blocks and to think of the purpose of their design. The big picture that the design system imparted led to a better understanding of our users and, a better user experience.

Making the complicated easy
It was a great challenge to simplify the instructor management functionalities. It was a priority that instructors could perform their own student management tasks, schedule classes and see their income in an easy way. We carried out tests with users of these functionalities and the feedback was quite positive.